Goodly Sidetracked by a Munching Moose

A benefit of waking early so that I can attend a virtual conference is that I have the chance to look outside and notice visiting moose. (Due to the Fairbanks/New Orleans time difference, the conference starts at 5 a.m. here! My eyes blink slowly before the first session starts…)

During a break between sessions, I watch a sturdy moose slowly chew through the willow in my yard and I feel my shoulder blades loosen and my breathing slow. I carry that calm back to the computer screen, prepared for another 300 minutes of today’s professional development.

There are then three more full days of screen time to go….

Moose browsing on willow, Fairbanks, Alaska, 0843 a.m., 16 February 2022.

Author: Erica K Swift

I have written since I was an elementary school bookworm in Colorado. After college, I traveled to Northern Cyprus, Turkey, and Germany before discovering a home in Alaska. I have self-published children's books, am actively pursuing a publisher for my most recent set of books, and am continuing to write when I am not teaching at a local elementary school.