Spring is gently here (I haven’t sneezed once yet), and pollen from birch and spruce trees make pictures on the hoods of every car I see.
A Jackson Pollack painting of lines and circles appears on my truck’s hood.
Pollen creates lines and small circles on the hood of my truck, 29 May 2022.
Pollen grains have rolled down the incline of this vehicle’s windshield, creating tire track-like paths, while the verdant green pollen-creating trees themselves are reflected under the shiny black Jeetah’s spots.
I could not see the beautiful reflection of the spruce and birch trees in the Jeep’s hood until I looked at it through my camera’s lens, 29 May 2022.
I have written since I was an elementary school bookworm in Colorado. After college, I traveled to Northern Cyprus, Turkey, and Germany before discovering a home in Alaska. I have self-published children's books, am actively pursuing a publisher for my most recent set of books, and am continuing to write when I am not teaching at a local elementary school.
View all posts by Erica K Swift