Sailing the Barents Sea, Southbound Along the Norwegian Coast

View of the coast from the Barents Sea, 7 October 20023.

I awoke hungry and with a settled stomach.

I really enjoyed sitting in one of the many comfortable chairs and being awed by the coast as we sailed by. The water was fascinating to watch as well. Occasionally, outside the window, a bird flies along with the ship. Every now and then, an announcement would let the passengers know what we might see on the port or starboard side of the ship. Buildings, islands, mountains, clouds, and waves. So much to see!

The ship had an unscheduled stop during the night so it arrived at the various ports later than scheduled. There was still enough time at Hammersfest to disembark and walk around for a short bit before the Polaris went on its way again.

The ship began to rock and roll again this evening. Maybe this will be typical each night as the ship tries to gain ground — or should I say sea…?

Author: Erica K Swift

I have written since I was an elementary school bookworm in Colorado. After college, I traveled to Northern Cyprus, Turkey, and Germany before discovering a home in Alaska. I have self-published children's books, am actively pursuing a publisher for my most recent set of books, and am continuing to write when I am not teaching at a local elementary school.